Have you been making premium payments to your insurance company (car, home, motorcycle, etc..) only for the insurance company to deny paying the full amount of any claim when you need them the most?
The Law Offices of Kevin Jackson, P.A. can provide legal representation to those who make a claim with their insurance company and their insurance company either denies their claim and/or pays less on the claim than what was owed. When you make payments to your insurance company, you expect the insurance company to be there for you when you have a problem and need them. However, sometimes your own insurance company will not agree to provide you with the help and money that you need to fix the subject of the claim. At that point, you will need an attorney to help you get what you deserve from your own company. We can assist you in that area and get your insurance company to rightfully pay you what you are owed so that you can completely fix all damages to your property or person.
Examples of some instances where you may need help against your own insurance company are as follows: